Small Group Makes Big Change For Marques
Marques came to The DPI Group (then known as DePaul Industries) through its staffing agency in 2005. He worked at multiple sites before being assigned to DPI's consumer goods packaging facility on Hayden Island. Marques worked in the janitorial department, cleaning bathrooms and breakrooms during the busiest times. Marques’ supervisors soon recognized that while he did a great job performing his duties, he was easily distracted and needed extra supports. So Marques was referred to DPI's Supported Employment division, where he was able to get the necessary supports to continue his role with staffing.
Through the Supported Employment program, now known as Meadowlark Employment Services, Marques was able to transition into a small group program at Rite Aid in Wilsonville, which provided him with more hours and a steadier schedule. Soon he was thriving under the supervision of his job coach, building friendships, and connecting with the larger community. Through hard work and training, Marques learned to recognize and respect boundaries in order to maintain his employment.
In 2020 a change in business models at Rite Aid, along with the pandemic, spurred the closure of Meadowlark's small group employment and allowed Marques to seek a job in a fully integrated setting. He was nervous and a bit uncertain about how the process would work. But because of his long-term relationship with Meadowlark and its team of job coaches, he was able to take his transition a step at a time. Marques was supported by his service coordinator, job coaches and mother as he continued to develop his goals for his future role. His mom even emailed to thank us and his team for our support, writing: “Thank you everyone for all you are doing for Marques! I sincerely appreciate your diligence and willingness to help my baby!”
Through the Discovery process and job development, Marques was hired at a Portland Fred Meyer as a Front End Clerk. He was able to find his place within that community and grow through the support of his team and job coaches. Marques has been able to have his supports fade and his confidence build, and he is now a valued employee at Fred Meyer.